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Taylor Poff

Wow, thanks to you Jay, I opened a bottle of '98 Merlot over the holidays...fantastic!

Jay Oliver

Buy these wines and store a few. Last night I drank my last 1999 Hawley Merlot (Bradford Mtn). I bought it a few years ago and have saved it, setting it aside many times when I was tempted to drink it. It was fresh! It was delicious! It was a great example of the '99 vintage - stony, smoky tobacco wafting light cherry fruit over hints of distant freshly turned soil. Another example: The Hawley 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon. It is MUCH better now than it was when it was released. And yet another - the Feeney Ranch Zinfandel from Eric Ross - I bought the 2002, it was good when it came out so kept buying more 'til it was gone and it kept getting better with age. Now I'm on my last bottle of the 2005 FRZ and have three of the '06 in the cellar. Zin's don't improve as much as Bordeaux varietals, but they do improve through that 3 to 5 year age period. Try it, you'll like it.

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