Bodega Bay has found a new way to hold a FUN-RAISER.
The Cabaret – 2010 A Beach Oddessy” produced by Michael & Diana Bundy was held February 27, at 6 and 8 pm in the Grange Hall.
Not quite knowing what to expect, we were bowled over by it all.
Slight bawdy, naughty, but nice, we all sat in anticipation of the possibility that Mikey Rooney and Judy Garland would come out from the back of the room, singing and dancing. “Hey gang, we need to raise some money, let’s put on a show!” Put on a show did they did.
Playing to a packed house, both shows had standing room only. Over 250 people managed to squeeze into the Grange for a night of FUN, FUN, FUN.
The Oddessy was lip sync parodies of song, people, places and things.
Leading off the show was the MC – hostess for the night – Mae West (aka Cathy Wild).
She was Mae at her finest. Cathy is a real estate agent for Prudential in the Sebastopol office. Cathy does the May West for “real” down in SF shows. Her May West Banter between acts was spot on.
The first lip sync – Elvis Presley (aka) Craig Veramay. Hips swaying; lips pouting, all dressed in white. Heartbreak Hotel was the place to stay at that night..
Then came Tammy Wnyette (aka) Tammi Salas) who did a parody of Tiger and his wife and their problems. Stand by Your Man, with golf club in hand, blond hair blowin in the breeze, Tami let him know he’s hers.
Then the Angels – a heavenly trio of rock n roll gals, in jeans so tight, quarters would have bounced off them, dark glasses, long hair and gum chomping jaws. Their boyfriends back and all sang along. Ya – you know the words…The Angels were Patty Fata, Kathy Karrenbrock and Kathleen Erba.
Then Janice Joplin (aka Sue Tichava) did a marionette of Janice Joplin’s Oh Lord Won’t you Buy Me a Mercedes Benz? A giant Sing along ensued with this tiny Janice on the stage, bottle in hand.
Next Nancy Sinatra (aka Molly Schar) came along , soles in tact, with These Boots are Made for Walking. Walk, talk, swing and sway.
Ike & Tina Turner (aka Bob Brabon, Diane, Senia, Judy Taubman and Diana Bundy) brot Proud Mary to life in Bodega Bay. Once Mary started rollin, rollin, rollin down the river, Tina started her famous hair toss, and I’ve never seen so many men come to life in such a short time. Call the paramedics. JIC.
After a short intermission , The Blues Brothers (aka Michael Bundy and Bob Blanchard) brot the house down with Soul Man. John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd came alive. Almost made us look around for the cops to show up.
Then Patsy Cline (aka Sissi Blanchard) sang about He’s Got You, and all her memories came left and right out of Patsy’s rather large busty area. Best thing that came out, last – rubber chicken.
Then Peggy Lee (aka Diana Bundy) along with Michael Bundy accompanying her on the base fiddle. Peggy gave Fever to one and all. Shake it girl!
Next was Sonny & Cher (aka Stan Taubman and Judi Taubman) with their rendition of I’ve got You Babe.
Last performance was the Middle Aged woman (aka Pam Locke and Abby Killey) who brot to life what it’s like to be a Middle Aged woman. Funny, funny, and oh so true.
Every show has people “behind the scenes:
Dave Love, Back Stage Manager
Fiona Love, Front Stage manager/ Server
Craig Collins, Asst. Stage manager/grip
Cathy Beck, Curtains
Darryl Graham, Sound
Michael Bundy & Craig Veramay, Video
Tana O’Connaigh-Sanger, Bartender
Sharon Corbett, Theater Staging/server
Sophie Powers, server
Patsy Kirby, Makeup
Jim Irving, Lighting
Stacy Rolland, Special Assistance
Special thanks and appreciation goes to:
Dave Lewis, Bodega Bay Grange
Shona Wier, Business Services Unlimited
Spud Point Crab Co
Sandpiper Restaurant
The Boat House
Island Style Deli
Lagunitas Brewing Co
So why did we have this FUN-RAISER:
The money collected goes to:
Bodega Bay Grange
Bodega Bay Fireworks
Bodega Bay School Art program
Bodega Bay community Center
The call has gone out – this is to be an annual event, and new participants are encouraged to participate. If interested, call me at the Visitors Center and I’ll see put you on the list for 2011 –
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