Hello and Howdeedoo..
Yet another Fun Raiser in Bodega Bay. Our community may be small in size but large in heart.
The Beach Cabaret made its 2nd annual appearances last Saturday. 2 Sold Out performances of fun and merriment.
Katy Karrenbrock started off the show with a wild rendition of Cabaret. Who would have thought this shy retiring schoolteacher could put so much ump into a song.
Cathy Wild did her annual hostess act as Mae West. Putting many of the men in the audience on their heels.
Next appeared Sean Grinnell, Josh Penuche, Justin Fox along with Lisa Angelo and Carlo Angelo doing their rendition of Jimmy buffet and the Coral Reefers.
Cocktails for Two was then served up via Stan Truman and Judy Truman – aqua Spike Jones.
Other than the earth moving now and then, Rock n Roll here in Bodega come alive as the Rolling Stones.
A toot a toot, A tootely awda toot, next appeared the Andrew Sisters – Abby Killy, Pam Locke and Phyllis Bernard doing their rendition of the Bugle Boy of Company B – along with Rich Panter as the boy.
The Beach Boys were back after a short intermission – Josh Perucchi, Justin Fox and Sean Grinnell – doing their surfing thing.
Not only do they make the award winning clam chowder, but the Anello family managed to do yet another award winning performance of Dolly Parton’s - Nine to 5. Gina Anello – does anyone have a waist that small? And her dad Tony managed to have us laughing so hard – well – things happen…
Then Rich Panter and Glynda Christian doing their renditon of Elton John and Kiki Dee Don’t Go Breaking My Heart – until, along came Craig Collins at the end with Elton’s new baby son – oops….
To end the show a nostalgic performance by the Producers and Directors of the Show – the Bundys – Michael and Diana – Roy Rogers and Dale Evans rendition of Happy Trails. The entire audience sang along – tears in many eyes.
A major thanks to Dr. Michael Stafford, DVM (E), who was a sponsor of the show. In case you’re wondering what the extra E after DMV means – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – Extraordinaire (my addition). Dr. Stafford has been our coastal vet for years now – appearing when called to our homes to help tend to our critters. He’s the first person I call when a visitor comes into the Visitor Center and asks for help for their animals. Not only a great neighbor, but also a nice man.
The Cabaret is a Fun Raiser – which benefits: Bodega Bay Grange, Bodega Bay Fireworks, The Bodega Bay Community Center and the Arts Program for our local school. Many people helped out to make this a stellar event happen: Dave Love, Fiona Love, Craig Collins, Randy Serrurier, Cathy Beck, Michael Bundy, Steve Hecht, Jim Irving, Craig Veraman, Tana O’Connaigh-Sanger, Sharon Corbett, The Boat House, Carol Anello, Sophie Power, Robin Hale, Nate Buck, Sharon Eager, Patty Ginochio and Bonnie Hughes. And Last but not least – the Back Stage Riders: Island Style Deli, Lagunitas Brewing Co, Sandpiper Restaurant, Spud Point Crab Co, Terrapin Creek Café and The Boat House. Many of us didn’t want to see the night end so and we went out for dinner at the local restaurants.